5th Ave Project News -Valemount



1. Valemount – 1451 5th Avenue Affordable Childcare “Valemount Children’s Centre”

‘The Village of Valemount is receiving funding to create 72 new spaces – 24 preschool spaces, 24 school-aged spaces and 24 group multi-age spaces – at the Robson Valley Community Services Society (RVCS) Children’s Centre. The centre will be on the ground floor of a new women’s affordable housing building and will be operated by the RVCS. In addition to its child care programming, RVCS will offer parenting courses and after-hours family support drop-in programs. The centre is expected to open in spring 2022.’

“It is our intent to utilize this provincial funding to reduce the barriers to child care in the Village of Valemount, which is critical to the continued economic and social health of our community,” said Lina Thompson, executive director, RVCS. “The Valemount Children’s Centre will provide a socially stimulating, multicultural and community-oriented environment to help kids grow, learn and prosper in a space devoted to holistically nurturing childhood development, while addressing the physical, relational, emotional and intellectual aspects of a child’s life.”


2. Valemount – 1451 5th Avenue Affordable Housing


Robson Valley Community Services, with the support of BC Housing and M’akola Development Services, is proposing to rezone vacant land owned by the Village of Valemount to build new, permanent affordable housing for women and children at risk of or affected by violence in Valemount.

About the Project

Located at 1451 5th Avenue, this new building will offer approximately 14 affordable rental apartments, as well as office space to provide on-site supports connecting women and children with resources to help them towards safe, independent living. The new housing will help meet a growing need for safe, affordable, long-term housing for women (including seniors) and children in the area.

The housing will be operated by Robson Valley Community Services (RVCS). RVCS is a charitable organization dedicated to supporting individuals, families and communities by providing programs and services and collaborating within a rural environment.

You can send us your questions and feedback below, or email  communityrelations@bchousing.org(External link). All feedback received up to and including July 5, 2020 will be included in a report to Village Council as part of the municipal rezoning process.

Follow this link to fill out the feedback form or to check out the BC Housing website.

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