Stopping the Violence Outreach (STV Outreach) Program

ID-100105035-by-AmbroWorking from a client directed and trauma informed lens, the STV Outreach worker supports women in, or, transitioning out of an abusive relationship – to living in safety. Support includes legal advocacy, accessing out-of-town services and income supports, long-term housing solutions and safety planning.

The STV Outreach Worker provides client-directed support in both communities in the Robson Valley.  The foundation of service delivery is based on the knowledge of the power imbalances in our society that leads to violence against women, the impacts and dynamics of violence, and the belief in offender accountability.   The delivery of service reflects that women have the right to safety, the right to make choices based on her own understanding of her options, experiences, needs, and goals, and with an inherent respect for a woman’s individual situation and perspective.


Violence includes:

  • physical abuse (includes forced confinement and deprivation of the necessities of life, but not reasonable force to protect oneself or others from harm)
  • sexual abuse
  • attempts to physically or sexually abuse
  • psychological or emotional abuse including intimidation, harassment, coercion, or threats, including threats against other people, pets, or property
  • unreasonable restrictions on or denial of financial or personal autonomy
  • stalking or following
  • intentional damage to property
  • in the case of a child, direct or indirect exposure to violence


For more information on our STVO programming and what to expect as a client please see the RVCS STVO Program Information Sheet.


Photo courtesy of Sura Nualpradid at