Safe Home, Information and Support Program
Call us toll-free 1-844-324-2004 for assistance.
Sharing Hope and Offering Support
The Safe Home, Information and Support Program offers 24/7 free and confidential information, support, and/or emergency shelter to self-identifying women and their dependants who are at risk of or who have experienced any type of violence over their lifetime.
For more information on our Safe Home, Information and Support programming and what to expect as a client please see the RVCS SH Program Information Sheet.
Violence includes:
If you are experiencing any sort of violence, this guide can help you to increase your safety and prepare you in advance for the possibility of further violence.
Here are some ideas that you can use to keep you and your dependents safe.
Safety for Anyone at Risk of, or Who Has Experienced Violence:
If you are in immediate danger call 911.
For emergency shelter, information or support when not in immediate danger, consider keeping the Safe Shelter, Information and Supports Program phone number for your area with you. Or, if possible, memorize it (it may not be safe for you to keep it written down).
Safety During a Violent Incident in the Home:
Practice getting out safely: what doors, windows, stairwells, or fire escapes could you use?
Leave a packed overnight bag with essentials in a safe place (consider leaving it with a trusted friend or neighbor). Keep your ID and car keys somewhere easy to grab.
Teach your children to use 911 (911 works on a cell phone regardless if the phone has a plan).
Trust your instincts. If the situation is serious, you may decide to give the perpetrator what they want to calm them down. Do what you need to protect yourself (and dependents) until you’re out of danger.
Safety When Preparing to Leave a Relationship:
Following a safety plan can increase your safety. Statistics show that women are most at risk when ending a relationship or preparing to leave.
Consider contacting the Safe Information, Shelter and Supports Program or checking with friends or family in advance to see who you might be able to stay with or who could lend you money.
See list of items to take below and leave them somewhere safe or easy to grab in case you have to leave in a hurry.
Consider opening a savings account in your own name as a way to increase your independence.
Review your safety plan regularly in order to plan the safest way to leave. Find a friend or support worker who can help you review your plan. Find a safe way to include your dependents in your plan.
Create a code word with your dependents or friends so they can call for help if a violent incident occurs.
Items to Consider Taking When Leave:
Most Important:
- Medications
- Personal ID
- Marriage License/Divorce Papers
- Birth Certificates (yours and the children’s)
- Social Insurance Number
- Passport/Immigration Papers
- Money and credit cards
- ATM cards, cheque books, bank statements
- Keys – house, car, office
- Income Tax statements
- Income Assistance information
- Work permits
- Medical records
- School and vaccination records
- Lease/House Deed
- Jewelry, photo albums, etc.
- Items of sentimental value
- Children’s favorite toy/blanket
Violence against women may include some of the following:
Emotional/Psychological Violence
- Put downs, name calling
- Blaming you for things out of your control
- Yelling, screaming, swearing or threatening
- Driving dangerously
- Throwing things
- Damaging property or hurting pets
- Silent treatment
- Jealousy, preventing/ridiculing friendships
- Controlling behaviors (including financial)
- Public embarrassment
Physical Violence
Any unwanted physical contact such as: pushing, spitting, grabbing, slapping, shaking, kicking, punching, choking and/or biting.
Sexual Assault/Rape
- Any unwanted sexual touching
- Not respecting “no”
- Using anger, guilt, or threats to coerce sex
- Using sexual words or orientation to humiliate
The effects of violence may include but are not limited to:
- Depression/confusion
- Sleeping too much or too little
- Exhaustion/dizziness/headaches/tension
- Anxiety/fear/worry/nervousness
- Suicidal thoughts
- Isolation/disconnection from friends/family
- Loss of self-esteem/self-worth
- Stress/distracted thinking/indecisiveness
- Coping with alcohol or substance use
- Anger/violence towards self or others
A Few of Our Other Services:
Sexualized Assault Response Program
Stopping The Violence Counselling
Stopping the Violence Outreach
PEACE Program: Children & Youth Exposed to Violence Counselling
Other Useful Resources:
Valemount Health Centre: 1-250-566-9138
McBride & District Hospital: 1-250-569-2251
Legal Information ClickLaw: 1-800-663-1919
BC Income Assistance: 1-800-866-0800
Legal Aid: 1-800-577-2525
Valemount RCMP non-emergency line: 1-250-566-4466
McBride RCMP non-emergency line: 1-250-569-2255
Image courtesy of kittijaroon at